How To Know When You Need A Family Lawyer

Law Blog

Family law brings to mind divorces and child custody or child support. The problem is, you may think those are the only services offered by a family law attorney. The truth is, there are several services a family attorney offers. Here are the ways to know if you will need a family attorney and how they can help you with your specific case. 

Prenuptial Agreement 

Not all services a family lawyer offers deal with divorce. Some of the services deal with what happens before the marriage. A prenuptial agreement can help protect you in cases where you come into the marriage with a large amount of property or finances. This can be an issue if your future spouse does not have this benefit and could try to take your property if a divorce occurs. The prenuptial agreement can state many things. The most common statement of this type of agreement is that your future spouse can be alloted with a certain financial settlement if a divorce happens. However, they may not be allowed to go for anything you came into the marriage with or have not said could be theirs. Your family lawyer can create the documents and use the proper wording to protect you before the marriage. 

Domestic Partners

A domestic partnership can mean several things. The basic concept of a domestic partnership is to make certain things about your relationship legally known. For example, you may want to state that your partner has certain ownership rights if you die and leave property behind. There can be several other stipulations within the paperwork and agreements. This is a safeguard in case something happens to either of you and you want to ensure your loved one is taken care of financially and legally. 

Estate and Will Issues

There may be a time when you would like to draft a will or section off your estate to a family member or loved one. In order for your will or estate plans to be legally binding, you will need to ensure the paperwork is drawn up properly and submitted to the probate office or court system. Your lawyer can handle the paperwork and the submission process for you. 

If you feel that it is time for you to hire a family law attorney, contact one near you. Many offer a free consultation to determine if you need their services. They will also discuss a retainer fee with you and what services you need. Once you decide to hire them they will begin moving forward on the case. 

For more information, contact a firm like Daniels Law LLC.


27 May 2022

Car Accident Clues

It can be hard to know what to do to protect yourself legally in the immediate aftermath of a car accident. You’re liable to be disoriented or in shock, you may be injured, and you’re surely worried about your passenger or the other driver. At least, that’s how I felt. The thing is, the things you say and do in the immediate aftermath of an accident may affect a legal case later. Depending on who’s at fault and what the laws are in your state, you may want to sue the other driver for damages, or you may find yourself being sued. My blog is designed to give you tips for a car accident lawsuit, no matter which side you find yourself on.